CV examples


Merchandiser CV


Merchandiser CV

The Columbia template effectively showcases Sadie's skills and expertise. With over 5 years of experience, she excels as a visual merchandiser, blending clear communication with a sharp eye for market trends and artistic flair.

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"Experienced visual merchandiser with 5+ years of proven results, possessing a keen design sense and a drive for crafting captivating retail displays. Proficient in translating brand visions into visually enticing showcases to elevate customer engagement."

Sadie Mead - Merchandiser

Merchandiser CV Example

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How to Write a Merchandiser CV: Examples and Tips

Retail and visual merchandisers play a vital role in bridging the gap between design and supply chain to ensure that products meet consumer demand and are presented appealingly.

Merchandisers select and arrange items to maximise sales, working in various industries like retail, fashion design and procurement. Ideal for those with creativity, organisational skills and an eye for trends, this role combines strong communication, creative problem solving and teamwork.

In today's competitive job market, a professional CV is key. Modern CV tips with a clear CV template can make all the difference. In this article, we show you how to write a good CV for a merchandiser in the UK with practical, real-life examples.

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Merchandiser CV example 

Merchandiser CV Sample

The Columbia template conveys Sadie's skills and expertise clearly and concisely. She is an experienced visual merchandiser with over 5 years' experience and an ability to combine effective communication with a strong sense of market trends and artistic flare.

What to include in a merchandiser CV? 

Start the CV writing process with a master CV - a comprehensive document detailing all your experiences, skills and achievements. This master CV is a foundation, allowing you to tailor specific versions for different job applications.

Must-have sections for a merchandiser CV

Depending on whether you want to channel creative skills similar to an interior designer and artist or the more logistical aptitudes of an operations manager and sales professional, you should decide on one of the two main types of merchandisers, visual and retail.

Visual merchandisers, who design captivating product displays and store layouts to boost sales, should emphasise design skills, creativity and experience in visual presentation. It is also advantageous to have a full driving licence to travel between store locations.

Retail merchandisers, focusing on ensuring products are available at the right time and price, should highlight analytical skills, planning and supply chain management.

Both roles require showcasing relevant skills but with a focus tailored to the distinct responsibilities of each position.

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How to write a merchandiser CV: 5 Steps with examples 

1. How to write a personal profile for a merchandiser CV 

Merchandising is about making a great first impression in the shortest possible time. To make sure you do just that, prepare an eye-catching personal profile on a CV to kick things off. This small but mighty text provides a potted summary of professional capabilities, highlighting personal attributes, soft skills and years of experience.

Personal profile on a merchandiser CV

Visual merchandiser CV personal profile example

Dynamic visual merchandiser with over 5 years of experience in creating engaging store displays that drive sales and customer engagement. Excels in design creativity, trend forecasting and project management, with a keen eye for detail and aesthetics. Passionate about transforming spaces into brand experiences.

Retail merchandiser CV personal profile example

Strategic retail merchandiser with 8 years of experience optimising product placement and inventory levels across multiple stores. Skilled in data analysis, market research and vendor negotiations to ensure product availability and profitability. Proven track record in improving sales and meeting targets.

Fashion merchandiser CV personal profile example

Innovative fashion merchandiser with 6 years of experience in the fast-paced fashion industry, specialising in trend analysis, buying strategies and inventory management. Combines strong fashion sense with analytical skills to forecast trends and manage selections that meet consumer demands.

Assistant merchandiser CV personal profile example

Ambitious assistant merchandiser with 3 years of experience supporting merchandising teams in planning, product selection and performance analysis. Quick learner with strong organisational skills and attention to detail, eager to contribute to team success and grow within the fashion retail industry.

Camera Flash

Pro Tip

Start with a compelling power statement and keep it under 70 words, avoiding pronouns for a direct and impactful presentation.

2. List key merchandiser CV skills 

To quickly communicate your skills on a CV, categorise your abilities into soft, hard and technical. Place hard and technical skills under a distinct heading, showcasing your proficiency in specific tools and procedures.

Meanwhile, highlight your soft skills on a CV within the personal profile and work experience sections, demonstrating how your interpersonal abilities and work ethic have contributed to past roles. This structured approach ensures your CV captures attention by presenting a balanced, comprehensive picture of your professional capabilities.

Skills on a merchandiser CV

Plenty of professions have cross-over skills with merchandisers. Take inspiration from other fields such as warehouse worker, consultant or marketing professional to give your CV added depth.

Camera Flash

Pro Tip

If space allows, offer a brief definition of your essential skills to underscore your value.

Essential skills for a merchandiser

  • Trend analysis: Identifying and applying industry trends to select products that will sell well.

  • Inventory management: Keeping track of stock levels to ensure optimal product availability.

  • Visual merchandising: Creating product displays to enhance customer experience and sales.

  • Negotiation: Effectively communicating with suppliers to secure the best prices and terms.

  • Data analysis: Using sales data to inform decisions on product management and strategy.

Hard skills

Soft skills

Market research


Financial forecasting


Retail software


Supply chain coordination


Merchandising strategies


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3. How to include relevant work experience 

Work experience on a merchandiser CV is more than just listing past employment. This is your opportunity to showcase sought-after soft skills backed up with quantifiable results. Merchandising is a results-driven business. Both visual and retail merchandisers need to show they have a track record working with suppliers, customer service representatives and retail store managers. This is where including relevant work experience on a CV for a merchandiser comes in.

work experience on a merchandiser CV

Work experience for a merchandiser with little to no experience

The field of merchandising is open to individuals with little or no experience too. If you are entering the profession after a career change, as a student or recent graduate it is advisable to focus on your transferable soft skills and unpaid experience. Read more about how to write a skills-based CV that focuses on your transferable skills and qualifications over paid experience.

Merchandise coordinator | Megahead UK Tour | Various Locations | June 2019 - August 2019

Handled merchandise operations for a touring UK band, overseeing the ordering, delivery and stock management of tour merchandise. Ensured availability of products at each venue, dynamically managing inventory to meet fluctuating demand. Set up merchandise stalls in optimal venue locations for visibility and sales, priced items competitively and managed sales transactions directly with fans (Megaheads).

  • Successfully managed merchandise for 20+ tour dates, adapting inventory in real-time to prevent stock-outs.

  • Increased merchandise sales by 30% through strategic placement and pricing, enhancing the tour's overall revenue.

Merchandiser CV work experience examples 

Display Manager | Flash Forward Retail, London | 2019 - Present

Lead the visual merchandising team in designing innovative window displays and in-store layouts, significantly enhancing customer engagement and sales. Working closely with sales representatives to develop store experience concepts that align with brand identity and promotional campaigns. Responsible for the training of staff on visual standards and product knowledge to ensure a cohesive customer experience across all touchpoints.

  • Increased in-store foot traffic by 35% through strategic implementation of interactive display technologies and seasonal themes.

  • Partnered with sales teams to generate a 25% uplift in average transaction value through targeted product placements and promotions.

Retail merchandiser | Four Mobile UK, Reading | 2017 - 2022

Managed the end-to-end supply chain for key product lines, optimising inventory levels across multiple stores to meet sales forecasts. Led negotiations with suppliers to secure cost-effective purchasing terms, directly impacting profitability. Implemented data-driven strategies for product placement and pricing, significantly improving sales performance and customer satisfaction.

  • Enhanced supply chain efficiency by 15%, reducing stock shortages and overstock through improved forecasting models.

  • Collaborated with marketing and sales teams to launch successful in-store promotions, resulting in a 12% year-on-year increase in sales for flagship products.

Fashion merchandiser | Xalando, Cheltenham | 2018 - 2020

Oversaw the selection and management of fashion lines, aligning inventory with current trends and customer preferences. Worked closely with designers and attended fashion shows to ensure the boutique's offerings remained on the cutting edge of fashion.

  • Increased quarterly sales by 15% through strategic merchandise selections that capitalised on emerging fashion trends.

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction ratings by 40% by diversifying product range to include eco-friendly and sustainable fashion options.

Assistant merchandiser | HomeGoods Retailers, Bristol | 2020 - 2023

Assisted in the planning and execution of merchandising strategies, contributing to product range selection, pricing, and promotional activities. Conducted market research to understand consumer preferences and competitive landscapes, supporting the merchandising team in making data-driven decisions.

  • Contributed to a 5% year-over-year sales increase by supporting the introduction of a highly successful seasonal product line.

  • Improved stock turnover by 10% through effective coordination with the logistics team, ensuring timely restocking of high-demand items.

4. How to include education on a merchandiser CV 

To include the education section on a CV effectively, list qualifications in reverse chronological order. Start with the most recent achievements and work backwards. Include the full name of the certificate awarded, the issuing institution and the year of completion.

Depending on whether you would like to become a visual or retail merchandiser, there are different educational specialisations you could present. Below we use the examples of a college diploma for a visual merchandiser and a university degree for a retail merchandiser.

Education section on a merchandiser CV

Examples of education for a merchandiser CV

  • Level 4 Diploma in Visual Merchandising, University of the Arts London, 2022

  • BA (Hons) Retail Business Management, University of Bolton, 2021

It is also possible to work your way into the industry straight from school. In this case, include your highest level of formal education formatted as follows.

GCSEs qualifications:

Llewellyn College | Bangor, 2017 - 2022

Maths: Grade 4 (C), English: Grade 5 (B), Combined Science: Grade 4 (C), Computer Science: Grade 4 (C), English Language: Grade 6 (B)

National 5 certificates (Scotland):

Moore Valley School | Coldstream, 2017 - 2022

Scottish N5s: English C (4), Maths C (4), History B (6), Chemistry B (5), Art & Design C (4), Computing Science B (6) — GCSE level equivalent in brackets.

How to include additional sections on a merchandiser CV 

Merchandisers have to operate on multiple fronts, and showing you have multiple strings to your bow can make a big difference.

For example, listing languages skills on a CV - even works in progress - demonstrates you are an individual ready to engage with international suppliers. Proactively including references on your CV compounds your professional offer with real-world proof while integrating hobbies and interests on a CV gives the hiring manager an insight into your personality. 

Examples of interests to include on your CV:

  • Fine arts

  • Traveling

  • Blogging

  • Theatre

  • Music production.

Think creatively about how to improve your CV to provide an extra dimension to your application. Take a look at other professions where personal skills and effective presentation are key, such as customer service or estate agent, to see how they handle the CV writing process.

Key takeaways 

Creating the perfect example of a merchandiser CV can be a complex task. Let’s simplify and look at the key points to take away.

  1. Start with a master CV: Begin your CV writing process by compiling a comprehensive master CV. This document should detail all your skills, experiences, and achievements, serving as a base for tailoring specific CVs for different merchandiser roles.

  2. Craft a strong personal profile: Include a powerful personal profile that showcases your professional capabilities, personal attributes, soft skills, and years of experience. Begin with a strong statement and keep it concise.

  3. Showcase relevant skills: List both soft and hard skills. For merchandisers, include abilities like trend analysis, inventory management, visual merchandising (for visual merchandisers), negotiation, data analysis and specific hard skills.

  4. Include quantifiable work experience: Detail your work experience with short paragraphs and bullet points that highlight your responsibilities and achievements. For those with little to no work experience, focus on transferable soft skills.

  5. Focus on relevant education: Choose courses that align with your desired merchandiser role. Visual merchandisers should highlight design-related qualifications, while retail merchandisers should emphasise business or retail management degrees.

Next steps

Iron out any creases using our intuitive CV builder with 20+ CV templates and professional designs to choose from.

To accompany your CV, discover our cover letter templates. If you don’t want to leave anything to chance, connect with our professional CV Writing Service.

Draw inspiration from our blog for tips on how to save time, emphasise important sections and make it easier for hiring managers to grasp your unique professional offer.


How to tailor a CV for visual merchandising? 

For visual merchandising, emphasise design skills, creativity and experience with visual displays. Highlight relevant projects, design software proficiency and successful visual campaigns that increase sales or customer engagement. If you want to make your CV more visually appealing, read more about the best font for your CV.

How to structure a CV for merchandising? 

Structure your CV with a clear personal profile, a detailed work experience section showcasing relevant roles and achievements, a concise education section and a skills segment highlighting both hard and soft skills relevant to merchandising. Read more about how long a CV should be to make sure you check off all the important sections!

Is fashion merchandising a good career? 

Fashion merchandising offers a dynamic career with opportunities for creativity and business acumen. It's well-suited for those passionate about fashion, trends and retail management. Career prospects and salaries can be attractive, with paths to senior positions and various specialisations.

How do I start as a merchandiser? 

You can become a visual merchandiser through college courses, apprenticeships or direct work experience. College courses range from Level 2 Certificates in Fashion Retail to Level 4 Diplomas in Visual Merchandising, often requiring GCSEs for entry.

Apprenticeships in retail can also lead to roles in visual merchandising, with some requiring GCSEs, including English and Maths. This pathway is ideal for those interested in combining creativity with retail, offering a practical approach to entering the field.

Entering the retail merchandising field can be achieved through various educational pathways, including university degrees, college courses, apprenticeships or specific industry training. Degrees in marketing, fashion buying and merchandising, or retail business management are particularly relevant. Gaining retail or office experience during your studies can enhance your prospects. For degree courses, you typically need two to three A Levels or equivalent.

How much does a merchandiser get paid?

Merchandiser salaries vary widely, with starting positions around £18,000 to £25,000 annually in the UK. Experienced merchandisers can earn between £25,000 and £45,000, while senior roles may offer upwards of £45,000 to £70,000, depending on the sector and location.

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