CV examples


Police officer CV


Police officer CV

The modern Peking CV template showcases Arthur’s experience as a police officer in a two-column format. The professional skills, training and experience are easily readable for a quick assessment of suitability for a role.

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"Passionate and driven Police Constable with more than 9 years of dedicated service in preserving law and order, safeguarding public welfare, and championing the tenets of fairness. "

Arthur Brown - Police Officer

Police officer CV example

Table of contents

How to Write a Police Officer CV: Examples and Tips

Becoming a police officer in the UK offers an exciting opportunity to be a central figure in your community, keep law and order, investigate crime and assist in crime prevention.

This role is ideal for individuals with a strong sense of justice, excellent communication skills and the resilience to face challenging situations. Whether you're driven by a passion to make a difference, a desire to protect and serve or a combination of both, a career in policing is where you can make an impact.

In this article, we guide you through the process of creating a modern CV for the UK police, while providing concrete examples of how to improve your CV as well as several ready-to-use CV templates geared towards a successful application.

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Police officer CV example 

Police officer CV sample

The modern Peking CV template showcases Arthur’s experience as a police officer in a two-column format. The professional skills, training and experience are easily readable for a quick assessment of suitability for a role. 

What to include in a police officer CV? 

A big part of knowing how to write a good CV is familiarising yourself with the codes of conduct and police guidelines. These should be reflected throughout your document and all interactions with the service. The Joining the Police website is a valuable resource, providing detailed information on the application process and what is expected from applicants.

An effective CV begins with creating a master CV. This approach ensures that all future applications you submit are of consistent quality, reflecting your skills and experiences accurately. A master CV serves as a comprehensive record, making it easier to tailor your application for specific roles within the police service.

This document will include:

  • A strong personal profile

  • Work experience

  • Soft, hard and essential skills

  • Education and further training

  • References

Must-have sections for police officer CV

Given the range of career opportunities within the police service, having a master CV is crucial. It allows you to adapt your application to highlight the most relevant aspects of your experience and skills for each position you apply for while acknowledging the unique demands of each role.

A strong CV opens doors. Start writing today!

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How to write a police officer CV: 5 Steps with examples 

Now you have the bare bones of your CV sketched out, it’s time to start populating it with the most relevant and impressive content.

1. The key skills for a police officer CV 

Policing requires a unique set of skills, and it's important to show how your abilities align with the demands of the job. Knowing how to highlight relevant skills on a CV is crucial for demonstrating your suitability for the role.

Skills on a police officer CV

Listing soft skills on a CV is particularly important for policing, perhaps more so than in many other professions, due to the significant impact these skills have on daily duties and interactions with the public.

We recommend giving hard and essential skills room to shine in their section while highlighting soft skills in your personal profile. This structured approach ensures your CV captures attention by presenting a balanced, comprehensive picture of your professional capabilities.

Plenty of related professions such as security guard, firefighter or lawyer put a focus on soft skills. Take a look at how these job types list skills for inspiration.

6 essential skills for a police officer

The police have a particular interest in hiring individuals with a background in retail, hospitality, call centres or care work. This is due to the abundance of transferable skills such as the following:

  1. Problem-solving: Ability to quickly assess situations and find solutions, crucial for addressing incidents and challenges encountered on the job.

  2. Decision making: Making informed decisions swiftly, often under pressure, to ensure the safety and well-being of the public and colleagues.

  3. Communication: Clear and effective communication, both written and verbal, with the public, colleagues and other professionals.

  4. Empathy and Sensitivity: Understanding and compassionately responding to the needs and concerns of diverse communities.

  5. Physical fitness: Maintaining a level of physical fitness necessary to respond to various demands of policing duties.

  6. Resilience: Coping with challenging situations, stress and the emotional demands of policing.

List of hard and soft skills to put on a CV

Hard skills

Soft skills

First aid and CPR


Law knowledge


Defensive tactics


Defensive tactics


Driving skills

Stress management

2. How to write a personal profile for a police officer CV 

Similar to healthcare and medical professionals, creating an impactful personal profile is an opportunity to show you have the right blend of competencies and personal qualities to make a positive difference while acting as a pillar of trust in the community.

Police officer CV personal profile tips

Police officer CV personal profile examples

Police officer CV

Dedicated police officer with over 5 years of experience in law enforcement, demonstrating exceptional skills in crisis management, decision-making and community engagement. Adept at maintaining public safety with integrity and professionalism. Known for resilience, strong communication abilities and a proactive approach to problem-solving. Committed to fostering trust within the community and upholding justice.

Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) CV

Motivated Police Community Support Officer with 3 years of dedicated service in the community. Excellently skilled in building relationships with members of the public, conflict resolution and providing support in crime prevention initiatives. Recognised for empathy, effective communication and team collaboration. Driven by making a difference in the well-being and safety of the community.

Special constable CV

Committed special constable with over 2 years experience in the role. Strong foundation in law enforcement principles and community service. Brings forth an exceptional blend of leadership, teamwork and adaptability. Excels in high-pressure environments, demonstrating critical thinking and swift decision-making. Keen to contribute to the security of the community with integrity and dedication.

Police constable apprentice CV

Aspiring police constable apprentice, eager to bring fresh perspectives to policing through a recent comprehensive training program. Displays a keen interest in community policing, crime prevention and developing strong public relations skills. Highlights include adaptability, a strong sense of duty and excellent communication skills. Committed to learning and growing within the police force to ensure a safer community for all.

3. How to write work experience on a police officer CV

When listing your work experience on a CV, it's crucial to align it with the job requirements presented in the job advert. Tailor each work experience entry to underscore skills relevant to the role.

Police officer CV work experience tips

Whether you’re listing work experience in other human-centric roles such as a civil servant, personal trainer or support worker, you should always use reverse chronological order - listing your most recent employment first.

Remember to include placements or internships as they demonstrate the practical application of skills. Whenever possible, quantify your achievements using numbers to showcase impact. Highlight transferable competencies from previous roles to display your adaptability.

Camera Flash

Pro Tip

Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to effectively communicate the benefit of your experience

Police officer CV work experience examples

Police officer, City of London Police, London, 2018 - Present

Actively patrol assigned areas to prevent and detect crimes, ensuring public safety and responding swiftly to emergencies. Excel in communication, teamwork and critical decision-making, working closely with the community and colleagues to address concerns and maintain law and order. Demonstrate adaptability and resilience in high-pressure situations.

  • Successfully resolved over 200 public disturbances, leading to a 15% decrease in local crime rates.

  • Implemented a community policing initiative that strengthened police-community relations, increasing public trust by 25%.

Police community support officer, West Yorkshire Police, Leeds, 2021 - 2023

Served as a vital link between the police and the community, focusing on crime prevention and reassurance through high-visibility patrols and engagement activities. Developed strong relationships with residents and businesses, offering advice on safety and security. Showcased exceptional problem-solving skills and a proactive approach to identifying and addressing potential risks in the community.

  • Organised and led 40+ community safety workshops, resulting in a 20% reduction in neighbourhood petty crimes.

  • Enhanced the neighbourhood watch program, recruiting 50 new members and improving community vigilance.

Police constable apprentice, Greater Manchester Police, Manchester, 2019 - 2022

Underwent rigorous training and development in policing principles, law enforcement techniques and community engagement. Gained practical experience through rotations in different departments, enhancing understanding of operational policing. Demonstrated quick learning ability, strong communication skills and a commitment to public service.

  • Achieved top 10% performance across the three academic levels of the program, whilst also excelling in practical assessments.

  • Contributed to a community outreach program that engaged with over 200 local students on personal safety and awareness.

Student officer, Northumbria Police, Newcastle, 2020 - 2021

Embarked on a structured learning and development path, balancing academic study with practical training. Engaged directly with the community under supervision, applying theoretical knowledge to real-world policing situations. Showcased commitment to personal growth and professional development, focusing on enhancing public safety and fostering positive community relations.

  • Completed over 300 hours of community engagement, receiving commendable feedback for professionalism and empathy.

  • Led a collaborative project with local schools to promote cyber safety, reaching over 500 students and parents.

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Police officer with little to no experience

If you’re considering joining the police service as a graduate, during a career change or with little to no work experience, focus on transferable and soft skills from other areas. The police actively search for candidates from a variety of backgrounds, so don’t be afraid to pull relevant experience from a chequered work history. 

Customer support representative | City Telecom, Brighton | 2019 - 2022

Delivered exceptional service to a broad customer base. Demonstrated exceptional communication skills and conflict resolution abilities, efficiently managing over 50 customer interactions daily. Excelled in de-escalating situations, ensuring customer satisfaction and fostering positive community management practices. Engaged in proactive teamwork to enhance service delivery, embodying adaptability and a dedication to excellence in public service.

  • Maintained a 95% customer satisfaction rate by employing effective people-first strategies and providing a personalised and empathetic service.

  • Spearheaded a cross-departmental project to refine the customer feedback mechanism, improving response times to inquiries by 20%.

4. How to include education on a police officer CV 

Creating the education section of your CV requires a focus on both formal education and relevant certifications. Start by listing your formal education, such as a high school diploma or degree, followed by any specialised security training or certifications you have completed.

Police officer CV education tips

Qualification requirements for a UK police officer

The police service in the UK considers applications from a variety of educational backgrounds. You can join straight after leaving school via the Police Constable Entry Program (PCEP) or after completing the Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship (PCDA), both requiring two A-Levels or an equivalent qualification.

Joining the service after graduating from university is possible through the Degree Holder Entry Programme (DHEP). This two-year work-based program, complemented by off-the-job learning, leads to a graduate diploma in professional policing upon completion.

There's also the option to obtain a Professional Policing Degree (PPD) through a university, which is usually a three-year program, though some institutions offer an accelerated two-year course. This academic route requires meeting the standard UCAS entry requirements of the offering institution. 

Regardless of the local police service you apply for, you will be expected to pass English and Maths GCSE grade C (Level 4) or equivalent before or shortly after joining.

How to format a university degree on a police officer CV

The below example is for the Professional Policing Degree route into the police service. It outlines the candidate’s previous degree as well as the completed post-graduate diploma in professional policing, starting with the most recent qualification.

  • Level 6 Post-Graduate Diploma in Professional Policing, 2019

  • BA Criminology, University of Manchester, 2017

How to format high school qualifications on a police officer CV

Similar to higher education, GSCEs (N5s for applicants in Scotland) should be formatted with your most recent qualifications first, as follows:

For English, Welsh and Northern Irish applicants:

Riverside Academy | Leicester, 2017 - 2022

Maths: Grade 4 (C), English: Grade 5 (B), Combined Science: Grade 4 (C), Computer Science: Grade 4 (C), English Language: Grade 6 (B)

For Scottish applicants with National 5 (N5) certificates:

Stirling High School | Stirling, 2017 - 2022\ Scottish N5s: English C (4), Maths C (4), History B (6), Chemistry B (5), Art & Design C (4), Computing Science B (6) — GCSE level equivalent in brackets.

5. How to include additional sections on a police officer CV 

Modern policing is as much about personal and community development as it is about preventing crime. Additional sections on your CV such as achievements, courses and certificates, as well as references from local figureheads, shine a light on your added value.

Position relevant additional qualifications in their section, including the issuing institution, date of completion and course name.

  • Course name, Issuer, Issued date (date of completion/in progress)

Police officer CV courses and certificates examples

Key takeaways

To create an excellent police officer CV in the UK, follow these five key steps:

  1. Understand the role and values: Learn about police conduct and values. Ensure your CV reflects these principles.

  2. Craft a strong personal profile: Write a compelling personal profile highlighting your experience, key soft skills, and personal qualities relevant to policing.

  3. Highlight relevant skills and experience: Focus on both your hard and soft skills, emphasising those that align with policing duties. Detail your work experience, stressing achievements with measurable outcomes.

  4. Underscore education and training: List relevant education, including any policing-related qualifications and additional certifications like first aid.

  5. Include additional information: Add sections for any extra qualifications, achievements, or references that underscore your commitment and skills beyond the basic requirements.

Next steps? 

Iron out any creases using our intuitive CV builder with 20+ CV templates and professional designs to choose from. To accompany your CV, discover our cover letter templates. If you don’t want to leave anything to chance, connect with our professional CV Writing Service.

Draw inspiration from our blog for tips on how to save time, emphasise important sections and make it easier for hiring managers to grasp your unique professional offer.


What does the UK police service do?

The UK police service maintains public safety and enforces the law across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is responsible for preventing crime, responding to emergencies, supporting victims and investigating offences. Its officers are trained to handle various situations from minor public disturbances to major criminal investigations.

What makes a good police officer in the UK?

A good police officer in the UK possesses integrity, excellent communication skills, empathy, resilience, and the ability to work under pressure. They are committed to serving the community, upholding the law, and maintaining public safety with fairness and respect for diversity.

What is a typical UK police service career path?

Finding your best entry route into the police opens a world of opportunities for personal and professional growth on a structured career path encompassing a range of roles and specialisations.

Entry Level (Police Constable): The foundation of a policing career starts as a Police Constable, where officers gain firsthand experience in community policing, law enforcement and crime prevention. Initial training equips recruits with the necessary skills to tackle various challenges with confidence and competence.

Specialisation and Promotion (Sergeant, Inspector): With experience, officers can specialise in areas such as detective work, cybercrime or dog handling. Promotions to Sergeant and then Inspector follow, where leadership skills are honed as officers take on more responsibility in managing teams and developing strategic operations.

Senior Leadership (Chief Inspector and above): Advancing further, officers can achieve senior leadership positions, such as Chief Inspector, Superintendent and Chief Constable. In these roles, they influence policing strategy, oversee significant operational units and contribute to national security and public safety policy.

Can I join the police at 40 in the UK? 

Yes, you can join the police at 40 in the UK. There is no upper age limit for applying to the police force, but you must meet the fitness and health requirements.

What is a police cadet? 

A police cadet is a young person participating in a police force's structured program. It's designed to provide insight into policing, develop useful skills, and foster good relations between the police and young people.

Is it easy to join the police in the UK? 

Joining the police in the UK requires meeting specific eligibility criteria, passing a series of assessments, and undergoing rigorous training. The process is competitive and can be challenging, emphasising the importance of preparation and dedication.

What is the salary of a police officer in the UK?

The starting salary for a police constable in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland ranges from £21,402, rising to £41,130 with experience. Salaries vary by location, with officers in London receiving higher pay to reflect the cost of living.

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