CV examples


Credit Controller CV


Credit Controller CV

The Columbia CV template effectively communicates William's skills and expertise. With over 8 years of experience as a credit controller, he adeptly combines clear communication, attention to detail, and a customer-centric mindset.

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"Committed and achievement-orientated Credit Controller with more than 8 years of experience overseeing credit and collections. Demonstrated proficiency in minimising credit risk, optimising cash flow, and fostering robust customer relationships. Skilled in negotiating payments, analysing financial data, and implementing credit policies, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards."

William Barkhuizen - Credit Controller

Credit Controller CV Example

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How to Write a Credit Controller CV: Examples and Tips

If you are ambitious, have excellent customer service skills, and thorough attention to detail then becoming a credit controller in the UK is a perfect opportunity for you. Credit controllers are in demand across a range of industries including finance, legal, government agencies and private enterprises. This job provides a competitive income, ample training opportunities and a clear career path.

If you are new to the profession with no prior experience, this guide shows any aspiring credit controller how to write a good CV. And, if you are active in the role and want to take your career to the next level, we’re going to show you how to improve your CV.

A professional CV template is crucial to being shortlisted, as well as being applicant tracking system (ATS)-friendly This is your one-stop shop to increase your chances of getting an interview as a credit controller. 

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Credit Controller CV example 

Credit Controller CV Sample

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The Columbia template conveys William’s skills and expertise clearly and concisely. He is an experienced credit controller with over 8 years of experience and an ability to combine effective communication with an eye for detail and an excellent customer service mindset.

What to include in a credit controller CV? 

Getting ahead as a credit controller in the UK requires a CV which clearly shows the skills and experience needed for a variety of open positions. Sending the same CV out to multiple employers does not showcase your abilities in the best light.

When thinking about the CV writing process and where to start, consider creating a master CV followed by more job-specific documents later on. A master CV will not be sent out to employers but keeps your skills, experience, qualifications and additional information in one place.

Credit controller CV sections

This comprehensive document acts as a jumping-off point when creating job-specific applications tailored to the individual credit control job description. This not only saves time but also keeps your applications consistent.

Most CVs will be built up of similar building blocks, with professions like accountant, bookkeeper and account manager sharing skills with credit controllers. Financial planning, organisation and communication all feature, so it’s always worth looking for inspiration.

However, there are subtle differences for each profession or type of role you are applying for. These are the recommended sections for a modern CV in the field of credit control:

  • Personal information

  • Personal profile

  • Work experience

  • Education

  • Skills

  • Certificates

  • Interests.

How to write a personal profile on a credit controller CV

Beginning with a personal profile is a great way to showcase your professional ambitions whilst aligning your skills with the job requirements. A personal profile is a career snapshot. It includes a power statement about you, your current job title, years of work experience and specialised qualifications. It’s also a great place to list your soft skills on your CV relevant to a credit controller role such as customer service, conflict management or attention to detail.

Credit Controller CV personal profile example

Accomplished Credit Controller with 3 years experience. Strong dispute management and debt recovery skills. Offers a proven track record in numerical analysis, customer service excellence and advanced computer literacy. Committed to contributing effectively to a dynamic team, enhancing account management processes through attention to detail and effective communication.

Apprenticeship Credit Controller CV personal profile example

Aspiring Credit Controller with a keen interest in financial management. One year in an apprenticeship role and eager to develop skills in debt recovery and dispute resolution. Brings foundational numeracy and customer service skills, motivated to gain practical experience and contribute to a dynamic team with enthusiasm and a fresh perspective.

Credit Controller Manager CV personal profile example

Seasoned Credit Controller manager with 8 years experience in team leadership and process optimisation. Skilled in strategic planning, debt recovery and client relationship management. Aims to leverage these strengths in a challenging role, focusing on operational efficiency and team development to drive organisational success.

For more detailed advice read our article on how to write a CV personal profile with tips and examples.

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How to include education on a credit controller CV 

Similar to professions such as warehouse operative or a call centre employee, the advantage of being a credit controller is you can begin right away by learning on the job or via apprenticeships. You don’t necessarily have to have a higher education diploma, although a bachelor's degree in finance, business or mathematics is advantageous.

Employers also consider candidates who can show they have completed 3 - 5 GCSEs (or National 5 certificates in Scotland) and have some experience creating spreadsheets and customer service work. 

We recommended you present your most recent qualifications first and work backwards. See here for more information on how to master the CV education section.

Credit controller CV education examples


A recognised apprenticeship offers an accessible path into a credit control career, requiring only GCSEs (N5s for Scotland), including maths. These programs combine practical training with theoretical learning, preparing you for the credit control field.

After completion, an apprenticeship can open up opportunities for career advancement or even self-employment. Interested candidates can apply through the UK National Careers Portal or the UK Government Education Portal, with more details available on the National Careers Service website.

Apprenticeships should be included in the ‘work experience’ section of your CV along with other career milestones.

Additional courses and certificates

Vocational or additional qualifications are an excellent way to show personal development in the field and can add weight to your ‘education’ section in place of traditional higher education certificates. Be sure to include the name of the certificate achieved, the issuing institution and the year of completion.

Credit Controller CV courses examples

There are several recognised courses and certificates to choose from including:

CICM Training & Qualifications - Chartered Institute of Credit Management

Level 2 & 3 Credit Management Courses- Chartered Institute of Credit Management

Credit Control: Analysing Financial Cash Flow - Thames College

Learn more about how to add courses and certificates on a CV.

How to add credit controller skills on a CV 

Adding skills to your CV shows you not only have the required work experience and qualifications, but the personal and professional attributes to get the job done. Tailor this section to match the job you're applying for and highlight the skills relevant to your role such as confidence with debt collection and ensuring timely payments.

Remember, related industries such as finance, banking or project management can give you insight into transferable skills you may have neglected.

Hard skills

Soft skills

Accounts receivable


Analytical skills



Conflict resolution

Credit risk analysis


Financial analysis


IT skills


Numeracy skills


Debt recovery management


For more examples and tips on what skills to put on your CV, see our blog.

How to include relevant work experience on a credit controller CV

Credit controllers often need to combine patience and maturity with professional know-how to perform their duties. Show you have all three by starting with your most recent position and taking the hiring manager back through your relevant positions.

The best way to write work experience on a CV is in one short paragraph, usually outlining your responsibilities and achievements, followed by two short bullet points including quantifiable results.

Roles within IT and bookkeeping, whether full-time or part-time, all need to quantify results on their CVs. Take a look at how these professions underscore their achievements to find a new way of showing your results.

Credit controller CV tips

Credit Controller CV work experience examples 

Credit controller manager | Mutual Feeling Financial Services, London, UK | 2018 - Present

Oversee credit control operations, leading a department of 15 credit controllers. Responsible for strategising debt recovery, managing client relationships and ensuring compliance with financial regulations. Introduced innovative credit management tools and practices to enhance efficiency and decision-making.

  • Achieved a 25% reduction in overdue accounts through effective team leadership and client engagement strategies.

  • Enhanced departmental efficiency by 35% by implementing advanced credit analysis software and training programs.

Credit Controller | Chillwell Collections, Manchester, UK | 2016 - 2018

Managed a diverse portfolio of client accounts, conducting credit checks and maintaining accurate financial records. Actively engaged in debt recovery processes, negotiating payment plans and resolving disputes. Streamlined communication channels for improved client interaction and satisfaction.

  • Recovered outstanding debts by 40% above the industry average, using tailored negotiation tactics and relationship management.

  • Improved client retention by 20% through excellent customer service and effective dispute resolution.

Credit Control Apprentice | Great Debtspectations Credit Solutions, Bristol, UK | 2019 - 2020

Assisted in various aspects of credit control, including account reconciliation and customer correspondence under supervision. Participated in training sessions on financial software and debt recovery techniques, gaining hands-on experience in credit management.

  • Contributed to a 15% improvement in account reconciliation accuracy through diligent data management and verification.

  • Recognised for exceptional learning ability and application of training in live debt recovery scenarios, exceeding typical apprentice benchmarks.

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Pro Tip

If you have little to no work experience and no relevant credit controller qualifications, add the education before the work experience section on your CV.

Credit Controller CV with little to no experience

If you’re applying for a credit controller position with little to no experience, try focusing on transferable skills from existing experience such as student or volunteer work. Underscore your adaptability and willingness to learn in areas such as your personal profile and work experience.

Try experimenting with a skills-based CV to bring showcase your transferable skills.

Customer Care Associate | Bingly Bank, Leeds, UK | 2020 - 2023

Engaged in customer interactions and account queries, applying basic financial knowledge and problem-solving skills. Assisted in routine banking operations, gaining practical experience in financial transactions and customer service.

  • Improved customer satisfaction scores by 15% through effective communication and resolution of account-related inquiries.

  • Contributed to a team project that streamlined account management processes, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Key takeaways 

There’s plenty of information in this comprehensive guide, let’s break it down into five key takeaway points you can use to get started.

  1. Tailor your CV to each job: Customise your CV for different credit controller positions. Start with a master CV to compile all your information, then create job-specific versions to align with individual job descriptions.

  2. Effective personal profile: Begin with a strong personal profile that showcases your professional ambitions and aligns your soft skills with the job requirements. This section sets the tone for your CV.

  3. Highlight education and apprenticeships: If you're new to credit control, emphasise your GCSEs/National 5s and any apprenticeships or courses you've completed. Present your qualifications in reverse chronological order.

  4. Showcase relevant skills: Separate hard and soft skills in your CV. Include hard skills like financial analysis under a dedicated section and soft skills in your personal profile and work experience entries.

  5. Quantifiable work experience: Present your work experience in reverse chronological order. Use a short paragraph for responsibilities and achievements, followed by bullet points with quantifiable results to demonstrate your impact in previous roles.

Tips credit controller CV

Next steps?

Iron out any creases using our intuitive CV builder with 20+ templates and professional designs to choose from. To accompany your CV, discover our cover letter templates. If you don’t want to leave anything to chance, connect with our professional CV Writing Service. Draw inspiration from our blog for tips on saving time, emphasising important sections and making it easier for hiring managers to grasp your unique professional offer.


Do I need any qualifications to become a credit controller? 

To become a credit controller, you typically need GCSEs or National 5s, with a focus on Maths. Although not always required, additional qualifications through apprenticeships, vocational courses or a background in finance can be advantageous. Learn more about how to write a school leaver CV for an entry-level credit controller role.

What is the best format for a credit controller CV?

The best format is the reverse chronological format, which highlights your work experience, skills and education in a clear and organised manner.

How long should a credit controller CV be? 

Your CV should ideally be 1-2 pages long. It should be concise but comprehensive enough to include relevant information and experience. Read our article to discover how long a CV should be for the job you are applying for.

What are the top 3 skills for a credit controller?

The top three skills are effective negotiation, accurate financial analysis and proficiency in IT systems, particularly those relevant to financial management and credit control.

What is a credit controller CV personal statement?

This is a brief yet impactful summary that outlines your professional ambitions, key skills and relevant experience, tailored specifically to the credit control role.

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