Cover letter examples





Penelope has opted for a clean and simple Otago cover letter template, showcasing her talent and transferrable skills in HR. The cover letter follows a modern style, keeping it concise and tailored to the specific job.

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"I am writing to express my keen interest in the Human Resources Internship position at HSBC UK, where I can leverage my strong academic background, practical experience, and passion for HR to contribute to the company's success"

Penelope Johnstone - Student

 Student cover letter template

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How to Write a Student Cover Letter: Guide with Examples and Tips

As a student navigating the UK job market, a well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in your job search. Unlike seasoned professionals with years of experience to showcase, students often struggle to translate their academic knowledge and extracurricular activities into professional career documents that resonate with potential employers.

Whether applying for internships, work placements, or entry-level jobs, this guide aims to alleviate your worries and equip you with the essential steps of creating an effective student cover letter, with practical examples to help you on your way.

Explore our collection of cover letter templates to complement your CV. 

Customise this student cover letter example

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Student cover letter example

Student cover letter

Download this student cover letter in PDF

This cover letter sample features Penelope, a diligent Business Psychology student, showcasing her academic achievements and extracurricular involvement, aligning them with the position's requirements. The cover letter follows a modern style, keeping it concise and tailored to the specific job. 

Matching CV and cover letter for a student

Explore our matching student CV example for more tips and examples to streamline your job application.

What to include in a student cover letter?

Beyond being a job requirement, the cover letter aims to complement your CV, providing deeper insight into your relevant skills, experience, and passion for the profession you're pursuing.

Much like a good CV, a well-structured cover letter aims to tailor in to a specific job. Ensure you carefully plan your writing process and include only the relevant information, leaving out all unnecessary details. The structure of a cover letter is simple. See the essential information you could add to your cover letter below:

  • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and state why you are interested in the position.

  • Summary of qualifications: Highlight your primary skills, experience, and accomplishments relevant to the job.

  • Relevant experience: Describe your work experience, focusing on your most relevant achievements.

  • Education: List your educational background, including your degree, institution, GCSE or A-levels.

  • Skills: List your relevant skills, such as soft skills, hard skills, and transferrable skills.

  • Awards and honours: Mention any awards, honours, or certifications you have received.

  • References: If applicable, provide the contact information for your references.

  • Call to action: Thank the employer for their time and consideration, and express your eagerness to learn more about the position.

Student cover letter - must-have sections

Learn more about this in our writing guide on crafting a well-structured cover letter.

Refer to the following examples for job-specific cover letters:

How to start a student cover letter

Your cover letter's introduction serves as a brief yet impactful overview of your relevant qualifications, referring back to your personal profile, also known as a personal statement, on a CV. Choose an eye-catching opening statement that draws your recruiter's interest, ensuring you create a solid first impression. 


Dear Evan Miller,

I am writing to express my keen interest in the Customer Service Assistant position currently available at John Lewis. With a proven track record of providing exceptional customer service, I am thrilled about the opportunity to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to your dynamic team. My dedication to resolving customer issues promptly and effectively aligns perfectly with your company's commitment to customer satisfaction. I am eager to join your team and bring my commitment to excellence to John Lewis's customer service operations.

Refer to our customer service cover letter for more details. 

Below is the must-have information to add to your introduction:

  • Contact information: Provide your name, address, date of application, phone number, and email at the top of your cover letter.

  • Salutation: Address the hiring manager or recruiter by name if possible. If not, use a general greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager."

  • Introduction: Start with a strong opening that briefly outlines your qualifications and expresses your interest in the position.

For more tips, refer to our article on how to start a cover letter.

Boost your job application with a compelling cover letter

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How to write the body of a student cover letter 

In the cover letter body, convey your enthusiasm for the role by highlighting specific skills and achievements from previous experiences. Clearly state why you are the ideal candidate, aligning your abilities and aspirations with the company's values and mission. We suggest using two paragraphs to summarise your motivation for the job.

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What to include in paragraph 1

Express interest in the desired role, highlighting your excitement for contributing to business growth. Briefly mention aspects of the company's mission that resonate with you to capture the reader's attention.

Paragraph 1 example

I am writing to express my keen interest in the Sales Associate position at DynamicTech Ltd. As a second-year student in Business Administration from the University of Manchester, I am eager to contribute my education and passion for sales to your dynamic team. The customer-centric ethos and innovation at DynamicTech Ltd align with my values, and I am excited about the opportunity to be part of a company driving business growth.

Camera Flash

What to include in paragraph 2

Highlight your qualifications, detail relevant experiences and accomplishments from your student clubs, side activities or university projects. Use quantifiable metrics to emphasise the impact of your contributions.

Paragraph 2 example

During my studies, I led a successful university project, resulting in a 15% increase in sales and spearheaded a student club initiative, achieving a 20% boost in engagement. These experiences showcase my strategic planning and excellent communication skills. I am confident that my proactive approach to sales and these accomplishments align well with the Sales Associate position at DynamicTech Ltd.

For specific guidance on crafting a compelling sales cover letter as a student or seasoned professional, refer to our comprehensive guide with industry-specific advice.

Consider these additional tips to help you improve your student cover letter:

  • Prioritise relevant coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities to showcase transferrable skills.

  • Highlight internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer experiences, emphasising additional expertise.

  • Include achievements and projects from the university, aligning them with the desired role.

  • Mention any leadership roles in student organisations or notable accomplishments during your studies.

  • Use action verbs and quantify achievements to make your experiences more impactful.

Check out related articles on the apprenticeship CV and how to add achievements to a CV.

How to end a student cover letter

End your cover letter with a powerful call to action, reiterating your enthusiasm for the position and expressing your desire to discuss your qualifications further. Thank the reader for their time and consideration, and provide your contact information for further inquiries.


I appreciate your consideration of my Intern Commercial Retail Operations application and am excited about the prospect of contributing to the success of ChicEmporium. I welcome the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences make me a strong fit for your team. Thank you for your time and consideration. 

I look forward to further discussing my qualifications in an interview.


Miriam Cates

See our retail cover letter example guide for more examples and tips.

How to write a student cover letter with no experience 

If you have little to no experience, a short cover letter can still make a big impact. Start by researching the company and job role to tailor your letter effectively. Compile a list of relevant skills and experiences, emphasising transferable skills and projects that align with the company's goals. Do not let a lack of experience deter you from applying. A cover letter offers room for flexibility, so use it to your advantage. 

CV tips for writing a student cover letter with no experience:

  • Research the company and the job role

  • Make a list of relevant skills and experiences

  • Mention your contact information 

  • Indicate your job target 

  • Show your transferable skills and projects, aligning with the company's goals

  • Sign off your cover letter with a call to action

  • Proofread for mistakes.


Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to express my genuine interest in the part-time pharmaceutical research internship at MedLife, as advertised. As a third-year student in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Edinburgh, I am eager to apply my knowledge and enthusiasm for advancing healthcare solutions to contribute to your esteemed research team.

I undertook comprehensive coursework throughout my academic journey, building a solid foundation in pharmaceutical research methodologies and industry practices. Although my formal research experience may be limited, my dedication to learning, adaptability, and practical communication skills make me a well-rounded candidate for this role. I am particularly attracted to MedLife for its commitment to cutting-edge research, and I am eager to be part of a team committed to making impactful contributions to the field.

I am confident that my academic accomplishments and my passion for advancing healthcare make me an asset to the pharmaceutical research position. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss in greater detail how my skills and enthusiasm align with the specific needs of your research team. Thank you for considering my application.


John Anderson

Refer to the job-specific pharmacist cover letter example for more tips!

Key takeaways

Writing a cover letter as a student involves showcasing your academic achievements and extracurricular activities while aligning them with the specific job requirements. Keep it concise, tailor it to the specific position, and ensure it reflects your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Before submitting your cover letter, proofread carefully to eliminate spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. A polished and error-free document reflects your professionalism and attention to detail.

  • Use strong action verbs to describe your accomplishments.

  • Quantify your achievements whenever possible.

  • Personalise your cover letter for each position you apply for.

  • Maintain a positive tone that reflects your personality and enthusiasm for the job.

Student cover letter template- Key takeaways

Next steps?

We also offer a variety of CV templates and CV examples tailored to match your career goals. If you need additional assistance, our CV Writing Service provides professional guidance to make the process easier.


What is the best student cover letter template?

A well-crafted student cover letter should be tailored to the specific job you're applying for. It should highlight your academic achievements, relevant coursework, and hands-on experience, demonstrating how they align with the role's requirements.

What is the purpose of a student cover letter?

A student cover letter is a professional document that introduces you and your qualifications to a potential employer. It is your opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and accomplishments in a way that is relevant to the job you are applying for.

How long should a student cover letter be?

A student cover letter is typically one page long, concise and focused on crucial qualifications and experiences.

Refer to how long a cover letter should be for more information.

How should I format my student cover letter?

Use a clean and professional font like Times New Roman or Arial. We suggest sticking to a font size of between 10 and 12 points. Ensure to use consistent margins and spacing. Proofread your cover letter carefully for any errors before submitting it to your desired company.

See our related blog on how to choose the best font for your CV.

Should I use keywords in my student cover letter?

Yes, you should use keywords throughout your student cover letter. Doing so will help your application get noticed by applicant tracking systems (ATS) that scan resumes and cover letters for relevant keywords.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in a student cover letter?

Here are a few common mistakes to avoid in a student cover letter:

  • Typos and grammatical errors.

  • Generic and irrelevant content.

  • Lack of focus on relevant skills and experience.

  • Failure to tailor the cover letter to the specific job requirements.

  • Including irrelevant information.

  • Submitting a cover letter that is too long or too short.

Is a cover letter necessary for a student job?

While not always mandatory, a cover letter for a student job can significantly enhance your application. It allows you to express your enthusiasm, showcase your qualifications, and provide additional context that your CV might need to cover.

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