Job interview


Preparing for Success: Interview Tips for the Civil Service Selection Process


Preparing for Success: Interview Tips for the Civil Service Selection Process

by Will Campbell

  • Job interview
  • · September 10 2024
  • · 9 min read
Civil service interview questions

Table of contents

Congratulations! Your CV has caught the attention of civil service recruiters, and you've secured an interview. A rewarding career path in a secure profession waits on the other side of a standardised and rigorous assessment process.

So, how do you correctly prepare for the civil service interview questions that lie ahead?

Firstly, it's important to understand that the UK Civil Service interview process is unique and demands careful study. This article is your guide to mastering this assessment, providing the insights and advice you need to excel. It’s always best to start any interview process with a relaxed and confident mindset. Get yourself in the zone with our tips on how to calm pre-interview nerves.

In this article, we cover:

  • The UK civil service application process.

  • Key elements of a civil service CV.

  • Civil service Success Profiles and competencies.

  • Examples of civil service questions and how to answer them.

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Understanding the UK Civil Service application process

Regardless of whether you’re applying for a finance, health, education or other role within the civil service, you need to be aware of recent changes in the assessment process. Don’t fall at the first hurdle and use outdated terminology.

The Competency Framework has been replaced by the Civil Service Success Profiles, a new recruitment framework that's the cornerstone of all hiring from 2024 onwards. You will need to familiarise yourself with the concept of Success Profiles to move forward successfully with your application.

The assessment process and the evidence you will be asked to provide will vary depending on the seniority of the role you are applying for within the civil service (Administrative Officer, Senior Civil Servant or Junior/Senior Manager Level 6/7). Typical stages of the application process include:

  • Submitting an application

  • Completing an application form

  • Interview with hiring managers.

There are also other stages of the process you may be required to complete such as online tests, a video interview and an assessment centre. For tips and examples on how to ace video interviews, see our blog.

How UK Civil Service interviews are scored

UK Civil Service interviews are scored using a specific rating scale that evaluates candidates based on various assessments. The scoring system typically ranges from 1 to 7, with 1 being the lowest score and 7 being the highest. To progress to the next stage of the selection process, candidates generally need to achieve a score of 4 or more in each assessment​​.

During the interview process, candidates are assessed on different dimensions such as their experience, abilities, technical skills, behaviours and strengths. These factors are part of the Civil Service Success Profiles framework mentioned earlier. Each of these aspects is evaluated separately, and the scores are then combined to give an overall score.

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Key elements of a civil service CV 

To reach the interview stage of the selection process, you will need to craft an application tracking system (ATS)-friendly CV which adheres to the requirements of the civil service. Follow these five steps to ensure you include the essentials in your civil service CV:

  1. Personal profile on a CV: A statement summarising your commitment to public service and notable personal achievements. In the UK civil service, this section can be anything from 250 to 1000 words long. If you are unsure how long it should be, ask before applying!

  2. Work experience on a CV: Detailed descriptions of previous roles, using the STAR method to highlight relevant competencies and achievements.

  3. Education section on a CV: Your academic qualifications and any relevant training.

  4. Skills to put on a CV: A combination of soft, hard and technical skills relevant to civil service roles.

  5. Civil Service Success Profiles Alignment: Tailoring your CV to align with competencies like leadership, communication, problem-solving, and collaboration, as per the Civil Service Success Profiles.

must-have cv sections

For more detailed guidance, you can refer to the civil service CV example article.

How to answer civil service interview questions

Civil service Success Profiles to showcase in your answers

Interview questions for civil service jobs focus mainly on the Success Profiles; ability, technical, behaviours, strengths and experience.

Civil service Success Profiles

1. Ability refers to a candidate's aptitude or potential to perform effectively in a job role. It encompasses the capacity to undertake responsibilities and tasks to the required standard. This can include problem-solving skills, decision-making abilities and the potential to learn and adapt to new challenges.

2. Technical questions will try to ascertain how trained you are in the specific professional skills needed for the role. Be sure to study the skills listed on the job advert closely and prepare examples for each.

3. Behaviours questions are easy to spot as they will likely start with ‘tell me about a time when…’. Answers to behaviour questions should always be results-driven. Effectively and succinctly provide evidence of the behaviours outlined in the job advert by using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result).

4. Strengths are the tasks and professional attributes we do regularly and enjoy. This is your time to show your true colours. Answers to these questions are typically shorter but should show your enthusiasm for the role. Typical questions could be ‘What motivates you to get up in the morning?’ or ‘Would others describe you as an analytical person?’ 

5. Experience within the Success Profiles framework is the knowledge or mastery gained through direct involvement in or exposure to specific activities or subjects. It involves a candidate’s background and history in handling tasks or roles similar to those they will encounter in the Civil Service position. 

It is important to always focus on your specific contributions and achievements.

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Pro tip

You may want to go further and use the Ringo STARR method - Situation, Task, Action, Result and Reflection. While not required for civil service interviews, reflecting on your results shows you are in the habit of learning and improving for later projects.

Preparing for common civil service interview questions 

When preparing for a civil service interview, thorough preparation is the cornerstone of success, especially if you are joining after a career change or entering the workforce after graduation.

You may not know the exact questions, but a deep understanding of the job role and the department is vital. Study the job description closely and identify key responsibilities and essential criteria. Link these to your own experiences, career goals and skill set, preparing real-life examples. 

Benefit from brushing up on the top skills employers are looking for in 2024. Work the most relevant ones into your answers naturally to supplement the competencies and work experience you are describing.

How to practise for potential questions with examples

Use the job description and your application as a guide to formulate possible questions and rehearse your responses, either with a trusted person or in front of a mirror. If your interview includes delivering a presentation, practise it diligently, ensuring you adhere to the given time limits.

Let’s take a look at some common interview questions relating to success profiles and, using the STAR method, show you how to answer them correctly. Here we also flag the type of responses you should avoid.

5 examples of civil service interview questions

1.Success Profile: Ability

Describe a time when you had to quickly adapt to a new role or situation


Civil Service from UK

Correct answer:

Situation: When I joined my current organisation, I was immediately assigned to a high-priority project.

Task: Despite being new, I needed to adapt and lead the project to success.

Action: I spent extra hours familiarising myself with the project details and organisational procedures. I also proactively sought advice from experienced colleagues.

Result: My rapid adaptation and effective management led to the project's on-time completion, earning praise from the senior management.

Incorrect answer:

I've always been good at jumping into new things. At my last job, they put me on different projects, and I think I did okay.

2. Success Profile: Technical

Describe a time when you had to solve a difficult problem


Civil Service from UK

Correct answer:

Situation: In my previous role, my team faced a software issue that caused delays in project delivery.

Task: As the lead technician, it was my responsibility to resolve the issue.

Action: I systematically analysed the software, identified the bug, and collaborated with my team to develop a solution.

Result: We resolved the issue within 48 hours, ensuring project delivery on time.

Incorrect Answer:

We had lots of problems in my last job, but we always managed to get things done. I can't recall a specific example, but I'm good at solving problems.

3. Success Profile: Behaviours

Give an example of how you dealt with a conflict in the workplace


Civil Service from UK

Correct answer:

Situation: At my previous job, a disagreement arose between two team members over project responsibilities.

Task: As a supervisor, I needed to resolve the conflict without affecting team morale.

Action: I organised a meeting where each person could voice their concerns, mediated the discussion, and helped them find common ground.

Result: This approach resolved the conflict, and both team members collaborated effectively for the remainder of the project.

Incorrect answer:

I remember a few arguments at work, but I usually stay out of conflicts, as people tend to eventually sort it out themselves.

4. Success Profile: Strengths

Describe a situation where you utilised your strongest skill in a work setting


Civil Service from UK

Correct answer:

Situation: In my current role at a marketing firm, we were launching a new campaign under a tight deadline.

Task: My task was to lead the creative design aspect of the campaign.

Action: Knowing my strength lies in creative thinking and design, I spearheaded the brainstorming sessions, conceptualised the campaign visuals, and guided the design team.

Result: Our campaign was not only delivered on time but also received an industry award for creative excellence.

Incorrect answer:

I'm really creative. Last year, I led a campaign design and everyone liked my ideas.

5. Success Profile: Experience

Give an example of how your experience prepared you for a challenge in your current role


Civil Service from UK

Correct answer:

Situation: In my previous job, I was involved in a project that required extensive stakeholder management.

Task: When a similar challenge arose in my current role, I had to ensure smooth stakeholder engagement.

Action: Leveraging my experience, I developed a comprehensive communication plan and proactively addressed stakeholder concerns.

Result: This approach led to a 40% increase in stakeholder satisfaction and a smoother project flow.

Incorrect answer:

I've dealt with stakeholders before, so in my current job, I just did what I always do and it worked fine.

It is recommended to conduct mock interviews with a trusted person, practice body language such as good posture and eye contact, and research current events which may have an impact on your role or department.

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Pro tip

Have a drink of water nearby. If you become flustered or need a moment to consider your answer, the time it takes to reach for your drink, take a sip and set it back down will be ample time to collect your thoughts and reset.

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Demonstrating civil service competencies 

When preparing for a civil service interview, it's crucial to integrate the Success Profile competencies into your responses. This can be achieved by earmarking specific achievements that align with these competencies.

For instance, you might recount a scenario where you exhibited strong leadership, effective team collaboration or other in-demand soft skills. The key is to ensure that each response, regardless of the initial question, circles back to at least one core competency.

By doing this, you not only answer the question at hand but also seize the opportunity to demonstrate the qualities highly valued by the Civil Service. This approach requires a bit of strategic thinking, but with practice, you can learn to highlight these competencies naturally and effectively in your responses.

Key takeaways 

It can seem like a box-ticking exercise where one false word will eject you from the selection process, but civil service interviews are a professional conversation like any other. Here are five key takeaways for effective preparation:

  1. Understand the civil service success profiles: Familiarise yourself with the new recruitment framework, focusing on competencies like leadership, communication, and problem-solving.

  2. Prepare and practice: Study the job description closely and rehearse potential interview questions, either with someone or in front of a mirror. If required, practice any presentations thoroughly.

  3. Use the (Ringo) STARR method: Structure your answers using the Situation, Task, Action, Result and Reflection method, focusing on your contributions and the outcomes.

  4. Showcase competencies in responses: Align your answers with the Civil Service competencies, ensuring each response demonstrates at least one core competency.

  5. Stay calm and collected: Use strategies like having a drink of water nearby during the interview to maintain composure and gather your thoughts if needed.

Next steps? 

Once you are familiar with the civil service Success Profiles and have a concrete STARR example for each, it’s time to start getting in the right frame of mind for the interview. Brush up on your interview technique in person, with our tips for interviews over the phone or via Skype. Don't forget to update your LinkedIn profile to maximise your job search.


What questions should I ask in a civil service interview?

In a civil service interview, ask questions that demonstrate your interest in the role and department, such as inquiries about team dynamics, specific challenges of the position, opportunities for professional development, or how success is measured in the role. Learn more about what are the good questions to ask in an interview.

What is a competency-based interview?

A competency-based interview assesses specific skills and behaviours required for a role. Candidates are asked to provide concrete examples from their past experiences that demonstrate these competencies, often using the STAR method.

What are civil service behaviours?

Civil service behaviours are specific attributes and actions valued in the civil service, such as leadership, communication, decision-making, and teamwork. These behaviours form part of the Civil Service Success Profiles assessment criteria.

What is the STAR method when interviewing?

The STAR method is a structured way of answering interview questions by describing the Situation, Task, Action, and Result of a specific example from your past work experience. It helps in providing clear, concise, and focused answers.

How long does it take to hear back from a civil service interview?

The response time after a civil service interview varies, but it typically ranges from a few weeks to a couple of months, depending on the department and the complexity of the recruitment process.

What are some perks of working in the civil service?

The British civil service offers a range of employee benefits such as health, well-being and discount schemes as well as flexible working and an unbeatable pension.

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Updated September 10 2024


Written by

Will Campbell has over 10 years' experience writing for startups, employment, education and global brands. With a rich work history of over 30 part-time jobs, Will has become exceptionally skilled in advising others on how to write an interview-getting CV. When not tapping away at his keyboard, he can be found running or playing the nearest guitar. Connect via LinkedIn

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